Radinka Jeyathas
Welcome to Make A Move Life Counselling (MMLC). My name is Radinka Jeyathas and I am the Founder, Head Clinician & Consultant.
I (re)connect you to your mind to see, hear, and express your thinking patterns to create healthy interruptions and invest growth that will improve your perspective and transform your relationships with yourself and others.
You are confused because you are perceived as different so you are othered. You are conditioned to think for others because, if you do not, you are made to feel unwanted, unloved, and unliked. I will guide you into building and strengthening your self-identity by teaching you different methods that allow you to take your past experiences, use them to inform your present, so you can move forward into the future you want and reconnect with yourself.
To achieve this, I use neurodevelopment and neuroscience, with a trauma-informed lens, along with attachment theory, psychodynamic social work, neuropsychotherapy, ecotherapy, self-centering, unique and individualized assignments, case management, and reframing. I have over 10+ years of experience working across the province of Ontario, providing therapeutic services (community and private), consulting, and social work services as a Canadian-Sri Lankan Tamil, Registered Social Worker (OCSWSSW #832156).
Through MMLC, I guide individuals, couples, and families to connect with the evidence and knowledge gained from their experiences to transform their relationships with themselves and others. Come to my practice if you want to experience the 3 MMLC Guiding Principles that will restructure your mind:
MMLC Guiding Principles: 1. You are the expert in your experiences. 2. I use tools to guide you into hearing what is being held outside of your experiences (ie. conscious and subconscious). 3. I use neuroscience and neurodevelopment to teach you how to see your thinking patterns to create the change you want and strengthen your neural networks.
*The cyclical nature of this process, + the tools I give you, allows you to continue learning on your own and build authenticity through intentional neural connection and development.
*All frameworks are used as guides only.