Vanessa Dulgar (She/Her)
MEd, RP, Registered Psychotherapist
Ethno-Racial Identity:
South Asian
Vanessa has over 7 years of experience providing strong emotional support and goal-setting services to help clients of diverse age ranges and cultural backgrounds achieve their best possible selves. As a therapist, she is passionate about creating caring and safe environments in which you can identify and explore issues that may be getting in the way of living a more fulfilling life and more satisfying relationships. Vanessa is experienced in working with members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples, Indigenous peoples of North America, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as women and/or 2SLGBTQ+. Her overall goal is to provide you with the insights and tools you need to move forward and live to your fullest potential. Vanessa a plus de 7 ans d’expérience dans les services de soutien émotionnel et psychothérapeutique pour aider les clients de divers groupes d’âge et milieux culturels à atteindre leur plein potentiel. En tant que thérapeute, elle est passionnée par la création d’environnements bienveillants et sécuritaires dans lesquels vous pouvez identifier et explorer les problèmes qui peuvent entraver une vie plus épanouissante et des relations plus satisfaisantes. Vanessa a de l’expérience dans le travail avec des membres de groupes qui ont été historiquement défavorisés et marginalisés, y compris les Premières nations, les Métis et les Inuits, les peuples autochtones d’Amérique du Nord, les personnes racialisées, les personnes handicapées, et ceux qui s’identifient comme des femmes et/ou des 2SLGBTQ+. Son objectif général est de vous fournir les connaissances et les outils dont vous avez besoin pour vivre à votre plein potentiel. Vanessa est une spécialiste des traumatismes et se spécialise dans toutes les formes de violence, les dépendances (toxicomanie), la gestion de la colère, l’anxiété, la dépression, le deuil, les traumatismes intergénérationnels et d’autres problèmes spécifique à certaines cultures, les relations (amoureuses, entre amis, en famille), l’estime de soi et les techniques d’hygiène du sommeil.

Communities Served
Black Individuals, Indigenous Individuals, 2SLGBTQIA+ Individuals, South Asian Individuals, East / Southeast Asian Individuals, Middle Eastern Individuals, Latino/Latina/Latinx Individuals, Francophone Individuals, French Language Services for Black Individuals, French Language Services for 2SLGBTQIA+ Individuals, French Language Services for South Asian Individuals, French Language Services for Middle Eastern Individuals, French Language Services for Latino/Latina/Latinx Individuals

Approximate Wait Time
1-3 Days
Therapist Session Availability
Weekdays, Daytime - 9:00am - 1:00pm, Weekdays, Daytime - 2:00pm - 5:00pm, Weekdays, Evening - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Available online only You need your Unique Client Identification Number (UCIN) and approved sessions in order to book sessions with this counsellor. If you don’t have this information, contact a Care Navigator here before reaching out to this counsellor.
My practice at a glance
5 Year(s) of Experience
Available online only

Age Group Served
Children (6-11), Adolescents (12-17), Adults (18+), Seniors
[0] => Abuse
[1] => Addiction
[2] => Addiction - Alcohol
[3] => Addiction - Drug
[4] => Addiction - Gambling
[5] => Addiction - Internet
[6] => Addiction - Pornography
[7] => Addiction - Sex
[8] => Anger Management
[9] => Brain Injury & Neurocognitive
[10] => Bullying - At School
[11] => Bullying - In the Workplace
[12] => Depression
[13] => General Wellbeing / Wellness
[14] => Grief & Bereavement
[15] => Insomnia / Sleep Disorders
[16] => Low Self-esteem and Self-confidence
[17] => Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
[18] => Self Harm
[19] => Self-Esteem and Identity Issues
[20] => Sleep Disorders / Insomnia
[21] => Stress
[22] => Stress - Occupational Injury
[23] => Stress Management / Relaxation
[24] => Suicidal Ideation
[25] => Work-Related Issues
Conditions Treated
Abuse, Addiction, Addiction - Alcohol, Addiction - Drug, Addiction - Gambling, Addiction - Internet, Addiction - Pornography, Addiction - Sex, Anger Management, Brain Injury & Neurocognitive, Bullying - At School, Bullying - In the Workplace, Depression, General Wellbeing / Wellness, Grief & Bereavement, Insomnia / Sleep Disorders, Low Self-esteem and Self-confidence, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Self Harm, Self-Esteem and Identity Issues, Sleep Disorders / Insomnia, Stress, Stress - Occupational Injury, Stress Management / Relaxation, Suicidal Ideation, Work-Related Issues
Language Spoken
English, French

Therapeutic Approaches
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy, Solution-focused Therapy (SFT)
Ethno-Racial Identity
South Asian
Lived Experiences
Indigenous, Black and Racialized, A Member of a Racialized Community, A Member of a Marginalized Community
Available online only You need your Unique Client Identification Number (UCIN) and approved sessions in order to book sessions with this counsellor. If you don’t have this information, contact a Care Navigator here before reaching out to this counsellor.